Ruth’s Report

I would like to thank all involved for creating such a wonderful ‘atmosphere’ throughout the day that it really did not seem like I was out running for nearly 10 hours.

Running together for the first 26 miles made time pass so quickly and the wonderful feed stations just made it all worthwhile.

Chris, I am indebted to you for putting this 45 mile challenge in your newsletter.  It tempted me to do an endurance event that deep down I have always wanted to try. I cannot thank you enough for the long Tuesday runs, for introducing me to a few parts of the route and for always making it rain!  Had you not decided to run on the day I would have felt very unconfident about finding the way so thank you for your guidance and for being there.  I still cannot believe we only ran up to 21 miles before the event and yet I achieved 45 on the day. Thank you Libby and Jana for being patient when we were still out running at lunchtimes and Chris should have been home.

I would like to thank each and every runner + Alfie for keeping me company.  The wonderful group atmosphere made the run really enjoyable.  It just felt like we were out on a TACH run for the first 30 miles, particularly as Turtle and Sue joined in. I still think you could have made it to the end, Ant and I was really glad you stayed with us until 26 miles.

Thank you to Pete and the children for welcoming us to Dundry so early in the morning, It was really nice as it made me think of my children still tucked up in bed.

The tea stop in Pensford was just ‘cool’ and I say ‘tea stop’ because I couldn’t believe my luck – a cup of tea!

And then before I knew it, tea time again with Pete’s children making proper tea and can I please have the recipe for those flapjacks! Mine are just not the same and they tasted wonderful.

John, I loved the way your daughter so eagerly greeted us a little before each stop. She was always there excited and waiting and ran off to say we had arrived. Thank you Sylvie and Ruth.

Alfie, sorry I couldn’t help you over the stiles but I’m just not a natural with dogs.

If it had not been for Chris and Rob I would most certainly have got lost trying to find Patchway but Mike obviously knew where he was going so thanks for letting me tag along with you to Blaise to help me find my way.

Emma, I cannot thank you enough for being there at this stage. For some reason I had lots of energy and the pace you set just meant I was able to feel I could get on with making it too the end. Thanks again to Mike and Emma who kindly shouted instructions so I could find my way out of Blaise.

Once I got near the Downs I knew the way so sorry I left you but I had another burst of energy and my friend Marie was a welcome sight and came to support me to the end just as the rain began to hammer down.

John, thank you for running part way and I was sorry not to have spent time running with you that day. Thanks so much for keeping George, Jim and Alfie going and I have no doubt Rob was heroic at this stage and was out far longer in the dark and rain than he needed to be, to support the others getting to the end. Thank you Rob.   If you would like to run around faster anytime I will provide a support wagon and include hot tea.

As for my husband Jason who spent the whole day before working out every detail of the route and then being there to support me throughout, I love you too.

If I’m really honest, I felt strong throughout and didn’t have any bad moments when I thought I couldn’t make it. The reason, I guess, is that you all came out and were there in some way or other which made it just such a lovely day.

PS  What was in the Flapjacks that gave me so much energy and even better helped me to get away without aching legs these last couple of days?????? And yes, I am a tea addict so I was so grateful for those hot cups of tea.

In return for all your wonderful support I would love to help and support any that wish to try or repeat the event.  I’ll make sure I have ‘leaf’ tea and not tea bags and my son Frazer makes great flapjacks.

Love Ruth xxxxxxxx Oops sorry Woodwose RuthJ

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